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Filmography :Tiro e Queda (2018), Carga (2017), Goitacá (2016), Hush Hush (2016, second unit DP), Guardians (2016, second unit DP).

Born and raised in Portugal, JP Caldeano discovered photography early in life.
He soon developed a passion for moving images and at the age of 23 after finishing his BA(hons) in Sound and Image at ESAD in Portugal he flew to London to work for ARRI Media UK to improve his camera skills working on the camera department and later on supporting film crews in films such as Skyfall, Rush, Downton Abbey, Game of Thrones, Kick-Ass 2, Les Miserables and many others.

He has worked as cinematographer on a number of short dramas for up coming directors which are currently touring the festival circuit and has shot commercials for TV and Cinema.

Graduated with an MA in Cinematography at the Met Film School in London, is currently working on feature films.

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Feel free to contact me about any cinematography or camera work by filling out this form, or using the contact details below:



JP Caldeano

UK: +44 7958131392
PT: +351 914336242


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